Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good heART makes good ART

ART FOR GRABS probably the most exciting thing that I have anticipated this weekend. Crafts and books browsing (shopping + gossiping with friends, in silence) just so thrilling!

And I like it here as the people, the crafters, the artists, they are truly making things from their hearts and doing things that they love. Believe me when I say, I've seen crazy maniacs try to be in art business but they are just trying to profiteering, eventually fail because it just not right for them (or karma).

It makes me sick as I read from one blog to another that, these crafters' heartache towards people who claim them as art supporters, but who they really are - copycats, thieves, con, etc ... I lost word to describe.

However, there is no need to worry. Only with passion, ones can accomplish things that require time and thought to finish something. Only with perseverance ones can wait for their art to be good enough to be an art. After all, only good heart makes good art! :)

See you there!